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Easy tips for enhancing beauty

Today, there are some simple and helpful tips for you that will help to enhance your beauty. Which you can sit at home.
Find ways to enhance beauty at home.
Sun burns
The scar tint in the sunburn and the black spots fall. To remove the skin from black skin, apply potato or glucose juice. Put 15 minutes and wash your face with cold water.
Skin folding-
Applying sunblock cream or lotion face, throat and hands at least 15 minutes before sunburn. Apply at least twice a day with a cold cold juice. Then the skin will not fold.
Additional tension in the eye of the ink under the eyes, because of the night awake. To get rid of the ink below the eye, put the cucumber or potato juice under the eyes before sleeping at night. Wash and wash in the morning.
Eye bloating
Keep two cotton pad liquids in cold milk and keep it on the eye. If cotton becomes soft, change it. Take 15-minute cotton pad every day, reduce eye swelling.
Mix naphtha mixed with raw milk. Wash after a couple of hours. Do not put nails on acne. Acne can also be used in few days.
Black Heads-
Usually black heads are seen around the nose. Put on a daily basis by adding coriander leaves and yellow powders. Wash the face in the morning and moisturize. Black heads will fall in a week.
White Heads-
To remove white head, cornflower mixed with water and mix it with a few drops of vinegar to white head. After half an hour, remove the soft cloth in warm water. Then wash your face with cold water.
The main reason for meats is the heat and heat of fire. Make a pack by mixing rice powder and egg whites together and apply the whole face. Besides, lemon juice can be adjusted regularly. Talking to the face with cotton cucumber will reduce the meats.

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