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Some advice for newbie forex traders

Forex is one of the means of economic freedom which is open for everyone The prerequisite for success in this market is always to keep yourself ahead of the information and to be smart, otherwise there is a possibility of any accident occurring, one of the reasons is that coordination is the common way of dealing with stock exchange in stock exchange; Although there is a chance, Forex traders are deprived of those benefits, because every one hundred people 90 Forex Trader is a single trader in Stock Trader, so there is no chance to get any help from market valuation or consultation, which is very important for traders to make the right decision, and for this reason the new Forex traders are very much affected. , So the prospect of newbie forex traders will have the forex trading mother Before and after entering the net, the following issues should be kept in mind
01) Forex market can not be entered without trading concept
2) There is a need for balance between capital and expectation
03) The loan can not be traded, in this case, there is the possibility of being deoliya
04) Considering Conscious Consciousness, without having to listen to Gusu
05. Separate each profit amount without sitting on a fortnightly or monthly target
06) To keep yourself updated in the information every day, and to analyze the market
07) Accept the suggestions of other traders
08) Before starting each trade, calculate profit / loss
09) To evaluate the market as a whole
10. To control hands and emotions, sit down from the trading terminal at least two to three hands

Some interesting things about Forex

1. There are more than 180 currency pairs in the world, but not all of these Forex trading can be traded. Of the 180, only 8 currency and their cross pairers have 95% percent of total forex trading.
2. There is no debate on which currency pair is traded in the world, but there is no debate on EUR / USD, GBP / USD, USD / JPY and USD / CHF Forex Market's most popular four currency pair.
3. It is a punishable offense that raises the price of a share by taxing the stock market. There is nothing in the forex! Why? Because there is no controlling agency on Forex!
4. Surprised? There is nothing to be surprised. Because Forex Market is so big (you've been really annoyed to hear it, so do not write anything about it) It is almost impossible for any Forex trader to artificially make any currency strong or weak. It is possible only on central banks and the interesting thing is that the central banks do this by declaring a lot. And traders also wait for him instead of being angry. Weird, is not it?
5. But there is a difference between stock market broker and forex market broker. Brokers at the stock market received a commission from the commission and the forex market brokers got the spread from spreads. So, have you ever asked yourself that if a stock is bought or sold at the same price at the same price, then why is the price of buying and selling a currency different in Forex market?
6. There is no circuit breaker in the Forex market like the stock market. In other words, there is no limit on how much a pair of currency pair increases or decreases in a day. And in a day there is a huge price for a currency pair but there is no protest in the Forex market like the stock market!
7. Finally, Forex Market has an advantage, which is not in the stock market. In the case of a company in the stock market, in the case of bankruptcy, in most cases no person has any value in the stock bought by that company. I mean, the whole money goes to the water. And the price at which the stock is bought, there is no need to do anything until the stock starts to decline. If there is a currencies in the forex market continuously weakening, but there is a chance to profit between any of the two benefits, by and by the cell. The more weak a currency, its value will never be zero.
And so, "what goes down will come", but it is not always applicable for the stock market, but always applicable to the forex market.
Forex History - How did Forex Trading?
The reader, I am talking about that 200 AD ... even after two centuries of the coming of Jesus (peace be upon him), when the work of Talmud was being done in the Jewish scriptures. During the 7th holy days of the Jews, some people were seen sitting near the Templars Court of the Gentile of Jerusalem in Israel. In return for some commissions, these people would have changed the currency to the people coming to the festival. The history says that the beginning of the idea that money can also be gained from change of currency is the first to come here.
In the fourth century, the government of Eastern Roman Empire started an organization for currency exchange. It was the monopoly business of the government that only the company could change the currency.
The reader, your curious mind may have already asked, why do people need to change the currency so many years ago? And how was the rate of change in currency at that time?
The people of that time also used to go from one country to other countries for business needs. Naturally, one country's currency did not work in other countries. So, before leaving the country, people bought gold or silver and sold it in another country and bought currency from that country. In order to eliminate this act, some people would have changed the currency of one country to the other currency in return for the commission. On the basis of how much money is available in exchange for a gold or silver bid of Rs.
There has not been a revolutionary change for more than 1000 years. Currency changes in the market. It was necessary for a strong banking system.
Italians have played the most role in the world for the development of banking system. In the 14th century, many influential wealthy families in Italy opened many banks. Among these, the most popular in history was Medicai Bank, founded in 1397 by the Madili family, which lasted for almost 100 years. One sentence is enough to explain how rich this family was. The Midi family, the most wealthy family in Europe, was the most wealthy of all time.
The bank has opened branches in different locations abroad for the needs of their businesses and textile merchants. In order to facilitate the business of businessmen, the "Nostro" account book, the meaning of the word "we" in the Italian language Nostro. This "Nostro" account shows both the merchants' local currency and their foreign balance of foreign currency, and the convenience of the currency exchange. As a result, it is easier for traders to make overseas business easier.
In 1472 another big bank was established in Italy's Tuscany. Monte Dei Pasci The Siena, the bank still survived. Not only that, it is currently the third largest bank in Italy and the oldest bank in the world to survive.
There was an active forex market in Amsterdam in the Netherlands between 17 and 18 AD. There was a huge amount of foreign trade between England and the Netherlands. In this Forex market, the merchants and agents of the country were largely the main currency exchange.
Reader, you know of the ancient era of forex trading, where there was no internet, or the convenience of trading at home. In fact, the businessmen used to change the currency of one country from the forex market for the sake of their business and the currency of another country. There was no liquidity facility, when it was not convenient to trade. Even now the currency of so many countries could not be exchanged in the same way. From the second century to the 1st century AD, where Forex market has been developed at the speed of snail, after just two centuries, why has it become easier to trade forex?
In the next episode we'll know: Forex history - How did Jordan Forex trading come?
WesternFx, a multinational venture of Western Group Inc. and well-established online Forex broker. Western Group Inc is a company licensed by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), Central America (Licence No.-21937). It has been giving the highest support and training of the Trader through the local support office in Bangladesh since 2013. For the benefit of the trader, the following topics WesternFx takes very seriously-
1) Fast money deposited and hoisted.
2) Supplement 5 days a week, 24 hours a day.
3) To monitor the safety of the deposited money from the third party or to make a segregated account.
4) Trader training provided.
5) Providing regular bonuses and providing all-round support to Client with local residents and establishing contacts and relationships.

Contact information for detailed information and training. 01718-400207

Forex market is the world's largest currency market 

where daily transactions are $ 6 trillion. World's largest commercial and central bank such as: JP Morgan Chase, Barclay's, Federal Reserve Bank, Bank of England, Bank of Japan, European Central Bank etc. Entrepreneurs. There are also millions of customer vendors who are engaged in trading 24-day daily for 5 days a week. All of the world's financial centers include New York, London, Zurich, Frankfort, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore. Forex trading is for which this market is open for 24 hours.

Because of the wide spread of the Internet, it can be sold easily by opening an Omnibus / BO account in any online Forex broker, which is licensed from the developed world, and it can be started only if the laptop or Smart Phone is a free enterprise. Proper training is organized.

For more details, please contact 01718-400207

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